Dota 6.86e

6.86e: Changes to Lone Druid and Earth Spirit

* Fixed a bug with some Dragon forms for Dragon Knight where selection boxes were sometimes incorrect
* Fixed a bug where copy/paste would not work correctly in chat if text was selected from right to left.
* Fixed achievement for tipping 10 times not granting the reward (we retroactively granted the reward to everyone who completed it so far).

* Savage Roar cooldown increased from 28/24/20/16 to 38/32/26/20
* Earth Spirit’s Scepter Enchant Remnant cast range reduced from 600 to 125

Bundled with a patch applied on the 5th of February, 6.86e has gone live and features two hero changes.

The two changes made in the patch was a cooldown increase on Lone Druid’s Savage Roar – the skill that replaced synergy in the 6.86 patch – and a range decrease on Earth Spirit’s Aghanim’s special ability. Lone Druid now has a cooldown of 38/32/26/20, up from 6.86d’s 28/24/20/16, and Earth Spirit now has a 125 cast range on his Enchant Remnant skill, down from the previous 600.

LD and ES’s 6.86 statistics:

As of the 6.86 patch, Lone Druid and Earth Spirit have been picked 130 and 163 time respectively, making them the 21st and 12th most picked heroes this patch in professional games; Lone Druid holds a win rate of 57.7% whilst Earth Spirit has an astounding 60.1% win rate. Aside from Earth Spirit’s high win rate, a possible secondary reason for his Enchant Remnant skill being nerfed is its potential to easily force enemies completely out of position. An extreme example can be seen in the clip below, where Team Liquid was able to force Gyro away from their tier three tower and into their fountain.

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